class Marvel:
def __init__(self, ci_test, find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun=None):
"""Initialize the rsl algorithm with the conditional independence test to use.
ci_test: A conditional independence test function that takes in the names of two variables and a list of
variable names as the conditioning set, and returns True if the two variables are independent given
the conditioning set, and False otherwise. The function's signature should be:
ci_test(var_name1: str, var_name2: str, cond_set: List[str], data: pd.DataFrame) -> bool
find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun (optional): A function to find the Markov boundary matrix. This function should
take in a Pandas DataFrame of data, and return a 2D numpy array,
where the (i, j)th entry is True if the jth variable is in the Markov
boundary of the ith variable, and False otherwise. The function's
signature should be:
find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun(data: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray
if find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun is None:
self.find_markov_boundary_matrix = lambda data: find_markov_boundary_matrix(data, ci_test)
self.find_markov_boundary_matrix = find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun
self.num_vars = None = None
self.var_names = None
self.ci_test = ci_test
# we use a flag array to keep track of which variables need to be checked for removal (i.e., we check if False)
self.skip_rem_check_vec = None # SkipCheck_VEC in the paper
# we use a flag array to keep track of which variables' neighbors need to be learned (i.e., we learn if False)
self.neighbor_learned_arr = None
self.skip_check_cond1_set = None
self.skip_check_cond2_set = None
# we use a dictionary that maps x to a dictionary that maps y to a set of variables v, such that x->v<-y is a v-structure
self.v_structure_dict: Dict[int, Dict[int, Set[int]]] = None
# we use a flag array to keep track of which variables' v-structures need to be learned (i.e., we learn if True)
self.v_structure_learned_arr = None
self.var_idx_set = None
self.markov_boundary_matrix = None
self.learned_skeleton = None
def reset_fields(self, data: pd.DataFrame):
"""Reset the algorithm before running it on new data. Used internally by the algorithm.
data (pd.DataFrame): The data to reset the algorithm with.
self.num_vars = len(data.columns) = data
self.var_names = data.columns
self.skip_rem_check_vec = np.zeros(self.num_vars, dtype=bool)
self.skip_check_cond1_set = set()
self.skip_check_cond2_set = set()
self.neighbor_learned_arr = np.zeros(self.num_vars, dtype=bool)
self.v_structure_dict = dict()
self.v_structure_learned_arr = np.zeros(self.num_vars, dtype=bool)
self.var_idx_set = set(range(self.num_vars))
self.markov_boundary_matrix = None
self.learned_skeleton: nx.Graph | None = None
def has_alg_run(self):
"""Check if the algorithm has been run.
bool: True if the algorithm has been run, False otherwise.
return self.learned_skeleton is not None
def learn_and_get_skeleton(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> nx.Graph:
"""Run the marvel algorithm on the data to learn and return the learned skeleton graph.
data (pd.DataFrame): The data to learn the skeleton from.
nx.Graph: A networkx graph representing the learned skeleton.
# initialize graph
self.learned_skeleton = nx.Graph()
self.markov_boundary_matrix = self.find_markov_boundary_matrix(
var_idx_arr = np.arange(self.num_vars)
var_left_bool_arr = np.ones(len(self.var_names),
dtype=bool) # if ith position is True, indicates that i is left
x_y_sep_set_dict = dict() # maps x to a dictionary that maps y to the separating set of x and y
for _ in range(self.num_vars - 1):
# sort variables by decreasing Markov boundary size
# only sort variables that are still left and whose removability has NOT been checked
var_to_sort_bool_arr = var_left_bool_arr & ~self.skip_rem_check_vec
var_idx_to_sort_arr = var_idx_arr[var_to_sort_bool_arr]
sorted_var_idx = sort_vars_by_mkb_size(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_to_sort_bool_arr],
removable_found = False
for var_idx in sorted_var_idx:
var_mk_idxs = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx])
# check whether we need to learn the neighbors of var_idx
if not self.neighbor_learned_arr[var_idx]:
neighbors, co_parents_arr, y_sep_set_dict = self.find_neighborhood(var_idx)
self.neighbor_learned_arr[var_idx] = True
x_y_sep_set_dict[var_idx] = y_sep_set_dict
# add edges between the variable and its neighbors
for neighbor_idx in neighbors:
self.learned_skeleton.add_edge(self.var_names[var_idx], self.var_names[neighbor_idx])
# if neighbors already learned, get them from the graph
neighbors = self.learned_skeleton.neighbors(var_idx)
# make sure to only include neighbours that are still left
neighbors = [neighbor for neighbor in neighbors if var_left_bool_arr[neighbor]]
# get the separating sets from the dictionary
y_sep_set_dict = x_y_sep_set_dict[var_idx]
# co-parents are markov boundary variables that are not neighbors
co_parents_bool_arr = np.copy(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx])
co_parents_bool_arr[neighbors] = False
co_parents_arr = np.flatnonzero(co_parents_bool_arr)
# check if variable is removable
if self.cond_1(var_idx, neighbors, var_mk_idxs):
if not self.v_structure_learned_arr[var_idx]:
self.learn_v_structure(var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, y_sep_set_dict)
x_v_structure_dict = self.v_structure_dict.get(var_idx, dict())
# only keep y and z that are left that form a v-structure: x->z<-y
var_left_set = set(sorted_var_idx)
x_v_structure_dict = self.v_structure_dict[var_idx]
for var_y in list(x_v_structure_dict.keys()):
if not var_left_bool_arr[var_y]:
del x_v_structure_dict[var_y]
x_v_structure_dict[var_y] = x_v_structure_dict[var_y].intersection(var_left_set)
if self.cond_2(var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, x_v_structure_dict):
# remove the removable variable from the set of variables left
var_left_bool_arr[var_idx] = False
# update the markov boundary matrix
self.update_markov_boundary_matrix(var_idx, neighbors)
removable_found = True
self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_idx] = True
self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_idx] = True
if not removable_found:
# if no removable found, then pick the variable with the smallest markov boundary from var_left_bool_arr
var_left_arr = np.flatnonzero(var_left_bool_arr)
mb_size_all = np.sum(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_left_arr], axis=1)
var_idx = var_left_arr[np.argmin(mb_size_all)]
neighbors = self.learned_skeleton.neighbors(var_idx)
# make sure to only include neighbours that are still left
neighbors = [neighbor for neighbor in neighbors if var_left_bool_arr[neighbor]]
var_left_bool_arr[var_idx] = False
# update the markov boundary matrix
self.update_markov_boundary_matrix(var_idx, neighbors)
self.skip_rem_check_vec[:] = False
return self.learned_skeleton
def find_neighborhood(self, var_idx: int):
"""Find the neighborhood of a variable using Lemma 27.
var (int): The variable whose neighborhood we want to find.
np.ndarray: 1D numpy array containing the variables in the neighborhood.
var_name = self.var_names[var_idx]
var_mk_arr = self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx]
var_mk_idxs = np.flatnonzero(var_mk_arr)
neighbors_bool_arr = np.copy(var_mk_arr)
co_parents_bool_arr = np.zeros(len(var_mk_arr), dtype=bool)
y_sep_set_dict = dict()
for mb_idx_y in range(len(var_mk_idxs)):
var_y_idx = var_mk_idxs[mb_idx_y]
# check if Y is already neighbor of X
if not self.learned_skeleton.has_edge(var_idx, var_y_idx):
x_y_sep_set = self.get_sep_set(var_name, var_y_idx, var_mk_idxs)
if x_y_sep_set is not None:
# var_y is a co-parent of var_idx and thus NOT a neighbor
neighbors_bool_arr[var_y_idx] = False
co_parents_bool_arr[var_y_idx] = True
y_sep_set_dict[var_y_idx] = x_y_sep_set
# remove all variables that are not neighbors
neighbors_arr = np.flatnonzero(neighbors_bool_arr)
co_parents_arr = np.flatnonzero(co_parents_bool_arr)
return neighbors_arr, co_parents_arr, y_sep_set_dict
def get_sep_set(self, var_name: str, var_y_idx: int, var_x_mk_idxs: np.ndarray) -> set[int] | None:
var_mk_left_idxs = list(set(var_x_mk_idxs) - {var_y_idx})
# use lemma 27 and check all proper subsets of Mb(X) - {Y}
for cond_set_size in range(len(var_mk_left_idxs)):
for var_s_idxs in itertools.combinations(var_mk_left_idxs, cond_set_size):
cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in var_s_idxs]
var_y_name = self.var_names[var_y_idx]
if self.ci_test(var_name, var_y_name, cond_set,
# we know that var_y_idx is a co-parent and thus NOT a neighbor
return set(var_s_idxs)
return None
def cond_1(self, var_idx, neighbors, var_mk_idxs):
num_neighbors = len(neighbors)
var_name = self.var_names[var_idx]
for var_y_idx in range(num_neighbors - 1):
var_y = neighbors[var_y_idx]
var_y_name = self.var_names[var_y]
for var_z_idx in range(var_y_idx + 1, num_neighbors):
var_z = neighbors[var_z_idx]
var_z_name = self.var_names[var_z]
xyz_tuple = (var_idx, var_y, var_z)
if xyz_tuple in self.skip_check_cond1_set:
# if skip check is false, loop over all subsets S of Mb(X) - {Y, Z} and check if Y ind. Z | S + {X}
var_mk_left_idxs = list(set(var_mk_idxs) - {var_y, var_z})
for cond_set_size in range(len(var_mk_left_idxs) + 1):
for var_s_idxs in itertools.combinations(var_mk_left_idxs, cond_set_size):
cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in var_s_idxs] + [var_name]
if self.ci_test(var_y_name, var_z_name, cond_set,
return False
return True
def cond_2(self, var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, x_v_structure_dict):
var_name = self.var_names[var_idx]
for var_y in co_parents_arr:
for var_z in neighbors:
xyz_tuple = (var_idx, var_y, var_z)
if xyz_tuple in self.skip_check_cond2_set:
# if skip check is false, loop over all v such that x->v<-y is a v-structure
for var_v in x_v_structure_dict.get(var_y, set()):
if var_v == var_z:
# loop over all subsets s of Mb(X) - {V, Y, Z} and check if Y ind. Z | S + {X, V}
var_mk_left_idxs = list(set(var_mk_idxs) - {var_y, var_z, var_v})
for cond_set_size in range(len(var_mk_left_idxs) + 1):
for var_s_idxs in itertools.combinations(var_mk_left_idxs, cond_set_size):
cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in var_s_idxs] + [var_name, self.var_names[var_v]]
if self.ci_test(self.var_names[var_y], self.var_names[var_z], cond_set,
return False
return True
def update_markov_boundary_matrix(self, var_idx: int, var_neighbors: np.ndarray):
Update the Markov boundary matrix after removing a variable.
:param var_idx: Index of the variable to remove
:param var_neighbors: 1D numpy array containing the indices of the neighbors of var_idx
var_markov_boundary = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx])
# for every variable in the markov boundary of var_idx, remove it from the markov boundary and update flag
for mb_var_idx in np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx]): # TODO use indexing instead
self.markov_boundary_matrix[mb_var_idx, var_idx] = 0
self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx, mb_var_idx] = 0
self.skip_rem_check_vec[mb_var_idx] = False
# TODO remove for RSL W
# if len(var_markov_boundary) > len(var_neighbors):
# # Sufficient condition for diamond-free graphs
# return
# find nodes whose co-parent status changes
# we only remove Y from mkvb of Z iff X is their ONLY common child and they are NOT neighbors)
for ne_idx_y in range(len(var_neighbors) - 1): # -1 because no need to check last variable and also symmetry
for ne_idx_z in range(ne_idx_y + 1, len(var_neighbors)):
var_y_idx = var_neighbors[ne_idx_y]
var_z_idx = var_neighbors[ne_idx_z]
var_y_name = self.var_names[var_y_idx]
var_z_name = self.var_names[var_z_idx]
# determine whether the mkbv of var_y_idx or var_z_idx is smaller, and use the smaller one as cond_set
var_y_markov_boundary = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_y_idx])
var_z_markov_boundary = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_z_idx])
if np.sum(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_y_idx]) < np.sum(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_z_idx]):
cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in set(var_y_markov_boundary) - {var_z_idx}]
cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in set(var_z_markov_boundary) - {var_y_idx}]
if self.ci_test(var_y_name, var_z_name, cond_set,
# we know that Y and Z are co-parents and thus NOT neighbors
self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_y_idx, var_z_idx] = 0
self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_z_idx, var_y_idx] = 0
self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_y_idx] = False
self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_z_idx] = False
def learn_v_structure(self, var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, y_sep_set_dict):
Learns the v-structures of a given variable.
var_idx (int): The index of the variable for which to learn the v-structures.
neighbors (list): A list of indices representing the neighbors of the variable.
co_parents_arr (list): A list of indices representing the co-parents of the variable.
var_mk_idxs (list): A list of indices representing the variables in the Markov boundary of the variable.
y_sep_set_dict (dict): A dictionary mapping indices of other variables to the separating sets
that distinguish them from the current variable.
def is_y_z_neighbor(var_y, var_z):
if self.learned_skeleton.has_edge(var_y, var_z):
return True
# check that all subsets S in Mb(X) + {X} - {Y, Z} satisfy Y NOT ind. Z | S
var_mk_left_idxs = list(set(var_mk_idxs) - {var_y, var_z}) + [var_idx]
for cond_set_size in range(len(var_mk_left_idxs) + 1):
for var_s_idxs in itertools.combinations(var_mk_left_idxs, cond_set_size):
cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in var_s_idxs]
if self.ci_test(self.var_names[var_y], self.var_names[var_z], cond_set,
return False
# add edge in skeleton
self.learned_skeleton.add_edge(self.var_names[var_y], self.var_names[var_z])
return True
for var_y in co_parents_arr:
for var_z in neighbors:
sep_set = y_sep_set_dict[var_y]
if var_z not in sep_set and is_y_z_neighbor(var_y, var_z):
x_v_structure_dict = self.v_structure_dict.get(var_idx, dict())
z_set = x_v_structure_dict.get(var_y, set())
x_v_structure_dict[var_y] = z_set
self.v_structure_dict[var_idx] = x_v_structure_dict
self.v_structure_learned_arr[var_idx] = True