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Source code in rcd/marvel/
class Marvel:
    def __init__(self, ci_test, find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun=None):
        """Initialize the rsl algorithm with the conditional independence test to use.

            ci_test: A conditional independence test function that takes in the names of two variables and a list of
                     variable names as the conditioning set, and returns True if the two variables are independent given
                     the conditioning set, and False otherwise. The function's signature should be:
                     ci_test(var_name1: str, var_name2: str, cond_set: List[str], data: pd.DataFrame) -> bool
            find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun (optional): A function to find the Markov boundary matrix. This function should
                                                         take in a Pandas DataFrame of data, and return a 2D numpy array,
                                                         where the (i, j)th entry is True if the jth variable is in the Markov
                                                         boundary of the ith variable, and False otherwise. The function's
                                                         signature should be:
                                                         find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun(data: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray

        if find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun is None:
            self.find_markov_boundary_matrix = lambda data: find_markov_boundary_matrix(data, ci_test)
            self.find_markov_boundary_matrix = find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun

        self.num_vars = None = None
        self.var_names = None
        self.ci_test = ci_test

        # we use a flag array to keep track of which variables need to be checked for removal (i.e., we check if False)
        self.skip_rem_check_vec = None  # SkipCheck_VEC in the paper

        # we use a flag array to keep track of which variables' neighbors need to be learned (i.e., we learn if False)
        self.neighbor_learned_arr = None

        self.skip_check_cond1_set = None
        self.skip_check_cond2_set = None

        # we use a dictionary that maps x to a dictionary that maps y to a set of variables v, such that x->v<-y is a v-structure
        self.v_structure_dict: Dict[int, Dict[int, Set[int]]] = None

        # we use a flag array to keep track of which variables' v-structures need to be learned (i.e., we learn if True)
        self.v_structure_learned_arr = None

        self.var_idx_set = None
        self.markov_boundary_matrix = None
        self.learned_skeleton = None

    def reset_fields(self, data: pd.DataFrame):
        """Reset the algorithm before running it on new data. Used internally by the algorithm.

            data (pd.DataFrame): The data to reset the algorithm with.
        self.num_vars = len(data.columns) = data
        self.var_names = data.columns

        self.skip_rem_check_vec = np.zeros(self.num_vars, dtype=bool)
        self.skip_check_cond1_set = set()
        self.skip_check_cond2_set = set()
        self.neighbor_learned_arr = np.zeros(self.num_vars, dtype=bool)
        self.v_structure_dict = dict()
        self.v_structure_learned_arr = np.zeros(self.num_vars, dtype=bool)
        self.var_idx_set = set(range(self.num_vars))
        self.markov_boundary_matrix = None
        self.learned_skeleton: nx.Graph | None = None

    def has_alg_run(self):
        """Check if the algorithm has been run.

            bool: True if the algorithm has been run, False otherwise.
        return self.learned_skeleton is not None

    def learn_and_get_skeleton(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> nx.Graph:
        """Run the marvel algorithm on the data to learn and return the learned skeleton graph.

            data (pd.DataFrame): The data to learn the skeleton from.

            nx.Graph: A networkx graph representing the learned skeleton.

        # initialize graph
        self.learned_skeleton = nx.Graph()

        self.markov_boundary_matrix = self.find_markov_boundary_matrix(

        var_idx_arr = np.arange(self.num_vars)

        var_left_bool_arr = np.ones(len(self.var_names),
                                    dtype=bool)  # if ith position is True, indicates that i is left

        x_y_sep_set_dict = dict()  # maps x to a dictionary that maps y to the separating set of x and y

        for _ in range(self.num_vars - 1):
            # sort variables by decreasing Markov boundary size
            # only sort variables that are still left and whose removability has NOT been checked
            var_to_sort_bool_arr = var_left_bool_arr & ~self.skip_rem_check_vec
            var_idx_to_sort_arr = var_idx_arr[var_to_sort_bool_arr]
            sorted_var_idx = sort_vars_by_mkb_size(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_to_sort_bool_arr],

            removable_found = False
            for var_idx in sorted_var_idx:
                var_mk_idxs = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx])
                # check whether we need to learn the neighbors of var_idx
                if not self.neighbor_learned_arr[var_idx]:
                    neighbors, co_parents_arr, y_sep_set_dict = self.find_neighborhood(var_idx)
                    self.neighbor_learned_arr[var_idx] = True
                    x_y_sep_set_dict[var_idx] = y_sep_set_dict

                    # add edges between the variable and its neighbors
                    for neighbor_idx in neighbors:
                        self.learned_skeleton.add_edge(self.var_names[var_idx], self.var_names[neighbor_idx])
                    # if neighbors already learned, get them from the graph
                    neighbors = self.learned_skeleton.neighbors(var_idx)

                    # make sure to only include neighbours that are still left
                    neighbors = [neighbor for neighbor in neighbors if var_left_bool_arr[neighbor]]

                    # get the separating sets from the dictionary
                    y_sep_set_dict = x_y_sep_set_dict[var_idx]

                    # co-parents are markov boundary variables that are not neighbors
                    co_parents_bool_arr = np.copy(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx])
                    co_parents_bool_arr[neighbors] = False
                    co_parents_arr = np.flatnonzero(co_parents_bool_arr)

                # check if variable is removable
                if self.cond_1(var_idx, neighbors, var_mk_idxs):
                    if not self.v_structure_learned_arr[var_idx]:
                        self.learn_v_structure(var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, y_sep_set_dict)
                        x_v_structure_dict = self.v_structure_dict.get(var_idx, dict())
                        # only keep y and z that are left that form a v-structure: x->z<-y
                        var_left_set = set(sorted_var_idx)
                        x_v_structure_dict = self.v_structure_dict[var_idx]
                        for var_y in list(x_v_structure_dict.keys()):
                            if not var_left_bool_arr[var_y]:
                                del x_v_structure_dict[var_y]
                                x_v_structure_dict[var_y] = x_v_structure_dict[var_y].intersection(var_left_set)

                    if self.cond_2(var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, x_v_structure_dict):
                        # remove the removable variable from the set of variables left
                        var_left_bool_arr[var_idx] = False

                        # update the markov boundary matrix
                        self.update_markov_boundary_matrix(var_idx, neighbors)
                        removable_found = True
                        self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_idx] = True
                    self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_idx] = True

            if not removable_found:
                # if no removable found, then pick the variable with the smallest markov boundary from var_left_bool_arr
                var_left_arr = np.flatnonzero(var_left_bool_arr)
                mb_size_all = np.sum(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_left_arr], axis=1)
                var_idx = var_left_arr[np.argmin(mb_size_all)]

                neighbors = self.learned_skeleton.neighbors(var_idx)

                # make sure to only include neighbours that are still left
                neighbors = [neighbor for neighbor in neighbors if var_left_bool_arr[neighbor]]
                var_left_bool_arr[var_idx] = False

                # update the markov boundary matrix
                self.update_markov_boundary_matrix(var_idx, neighbors)
                self.skip_rem_check_vec[:] = False
        return self.learned_skeleton

    def find_neighborhood(self, var_idx: int):
        """Find the neighborhood of a variable using Lemma 27.

            var (int): The variable whose neighborhood we want to find.

            np.ndarray: 1D numpy array containing the variables in the neighborhood.

        var_name = self.var_names[var_idx]
        var_mk_arr = self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx]
        var_mk_idxs = np.flatnonzero(var_mk_arr)

        neighbors_bool_arr = np.copy(var_mk_arr)
        co_parents_bool_arr = np.zeros(len(var_mk_arr), dtype=bool)
        y_sep_set_dict = dict()

        for mb_idx_y in range(len(var_mk_idxs)):
            var_y_idx = var_mk_idxs[mb_idx_y]
            # check if Y is already neighbor of X
            if not self.learned_skeleton.has_edge(var_idx, var_y_idx):
                x_y_sep_set = self.get_sep_set(var_name, var_y_idx, var_mk_idxs)
                if x_y_sep_set is not None:
                    # var_y is a co-parent of var_idx and thus NOT a neighbor
                    neighbors_bool_arr[var_y_idx] = False
                    co_parents_bool_arr[var_y_idx] = True
                    y_sep_set_dict[var_y_idx] = x_y_sep_set

        # remove all variables that are not neighbors
        neighbors_arr = np.flatnonzero(neighbors_bool_arr)
        co_parents_arr = np.flatnonzero(co_parents_bool_arr)
        return neighbors_arr, co_parents_arr, y_sep_set_dict

    def get_sep_set(self, var_name: str, var_y_idx: int, var_x_mk_idxs: np.ndarray) -> set[int] | None:
        var_mk_left_idxs = list(set(var_x_mk_idxs) - {var_y_idx})
        # use lemma 27 and check all proper subsets of Mb(X) - {Y}
        for cond_set_size in range(len(var_mk_left_idxs)):
            for var_s_idxs in itertools.combinations(var_mk_left_idxs, cond_set_size):
                cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in var_s_idxs]
                var_y_name = self.var_names[var_y_idx]
                if self.ci_test(var_name, var_y_name, cond_set,
                    # we know that var_y_idx is a co-parent and thus NOT a neighbor
                    return set(var_s_idxs)
        return None

    def cond_1(self, var_idx, neighbors, var_mk_idxs):
        num_neighbors = len(neighbors)
        var_name = self.var_names[var_idx]
        for var_y_idx in range(num_neighbors - 1):
            var_y = neighbors[var_y_idx]
            var_y_name = self.var_names[var_y]
            for var_z_idx in range(var_y_idx + 1, num_neighbors):
                var_z = neighbors[var_z_idx]
                var_z_name = self.var_names[var_z]
                xyz_tuple = (var_idx, var_y, var_z)
                if xyz_tuple in self.skip_check_cond1_set:
                # if skip check is false, loop over all subsets S of Mb(X) - {Y, Z} and check if Y ind. Z | S + {X}
                var_mk_left_idxs = list(set(var_mk_idxs) - {var_y, var_z})
                for cond_set_size in range(len(var_mk_left_idxs) + 1):
                    for var_s_idxs in itertools.combinations(var_mk_left_idxs, cond_set_size):
                        cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in var_s_idxs] + [var_name]
                        if self.ci_test(var_y_name, var_z_name, cond_set,
                            return False
        return True

    def cond_2(self, var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, x_v_structure_dict):
        var_name = self.var_names[var_idx]
        for var_y in co_parents_arr:
            for var_z in neighbors:
                xyz_tuple = (var_idx, var_y, var_z)
                if xyz_tuple in self.skip_check_cond2_set:
                # if skip check is false, loop over all v such that x->v<-y is a v-structure
                for var_v in x_v_structure_dict.get(var_y, set()):
                    if var_v == var_z:
                    # loop over all subsets s of Mb(X) - {V, Y, Z} and check if Y ind. Z | S + {X, V}
                    var_mk_left_idxs = list(set(var_mk_idxs) - {var_y, var_z, var_v})
                    for cond_set_size in range(len(var_mk_left_idxs) + 1):
                        for var_s_idxs in itertools.combinations(var_mk_left_idxs, cond_set_size):
                            cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in var_s_idxs] + [var_name, self.var_names[var_v]]
                            if self.ci_test(self.var_names[var_y], self.var_names[var_z], cond_set,
                                return False
        return True

    def update_markov_boundary_matrix(self, var_idx: int, var_neighbors: np.ndarray):
        Update the Markov boundary matrix after removing a variable.
        :param var_idx: Index of the variable to remove
        :param var_neighbors: 1D numpy array containing the indices of the neighbors of var_idx

        var_markov_boundary = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx])

        # for every variable in the markov boundary of var_idx, remove it from the markov boundary and update flag
        for mb_var_idx in np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx]):  # TODO use indexing instead
            self.markov_boundary_matrix[mb_var_idx, var_idx] = 0
            self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx, mb_var_idx] = 0
            self.skip_rem_check_vec[mb_var_idx] = False

        # TODO remove for RSL W
        # if len(var_markov_boundary) > len(var_neighbors):
        #     # Sufficient condition for diamond-free graphs
        #     return

        # find nodes whose co-parent status changes
        # we only remove Y from mkvb of Z iff X is their ONLY common child and they are NOT neighbors)
        for ne_idx_y in range(len(var_neighbors) - 1):  # -1 because no need to check last variable and also symmetry
            for ne_idx_z in range(ne_idx_y + 1, len(var_neighbors)):
                var_y_idx = var_neighbors[ne_idx_y]
                var_z_idx = var_neighbors[ne_idx_z]
                var_y_name = self.var_names[var_y_idx]
                var_z_name = self.var_names[var_z_idx]

                # determine whether the mkbv of var_y_idx or var_z_idx is smaller, and use the smaller one as cond_set
                var_y_markov_boundary = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_y_idx])
                var_z_markov_boundary = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_z_idx])
                if np.sum(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_y_idx]) < np.sum(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_z_idx]):
                    cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in set(var_y_markov_boundary) - {var_z_idx}]
                    cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in set(var_z_markov_boundary) - {var_y_idx}]

                if self.ci_test(var_y_name, var_z_name, cond_set,
                    # we know that Y and Z are co-parents and thus NOT neighbors
                    self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_y_idx, var_z_idx] = 0
                    self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_z_idx, var_y_idx] = 0
                    self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_y_idx] = False
                    self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_z_idx] = False

    def learn_v_structure(self, var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, y_sep_set_dict):
        Learns the v-structures of a given variable.

            var_idx (int): The index of the variable for which to learn the v-structures.
            neighbors (list): A list of indices representing the neighbors of the variable.
            co_parents_arr (list): A list of indices representing the co-parents of the variable.
            var_mk_idxs (list): A list of indices representing the variables in the Markov boundary of the variable.
            y_sep_set_dict (dict): A dictionary mapping indices of other variables to the separating sets
                that distinguish them from the current variable.


        def is_y_z_neighbor(var_y, var_z):
            if self.learned_skeleton.has_edge(var_y, var_z):
                return True
            # check that all subsets S in Mb(X) + {X} - {Y, Z} satisfy Y NOT ind. Z | S
            var_mk_left_idxs = list(set(var_mk_idxs) - {var_y, var_z}) + [var_idx]
            for cond_set_size in range(len(var_mk_left_idxs) + 1):
                for var_s_idxs in itertools.combinations(var_mk_left_idxs, cond_set_size):
                    cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in var_s_idxs]
                    if self.ci_test(self.var_names[var_y], self.var_names[var_z], cond_set,
                        return False

            # add edge in skeleton
            self.learned_skeleton.add_edge(self.var_names[var_y], self.var_names[var_z])
            return True

        for var_y in co_parents_arr:
            for var_z in neighbors:
                sep_set = y_sep_set_dict[var_y]
                if var_z not in sep_set and is_y_z_neighbor(var_y, var_z):
                    x_v_structure_dict = self.v_structure_dict.get(var_idx, dict())
                    z_set = x_v_structure_dict.get(var_y, set())
                    x_v_structure_dict[var_y] = z_set
                    self.v_structure_dict[var_idx] = x_v_structure_dict
        self.v_structure_learned_arr[var_idx] = True

__init__(ci_test, find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun=None)

Initialize the rsl algorithm with the conditional independence test to use.


Name Type Description Default

A conditional independence test function that takes in the names of two variables and a list of variable names as the conditioning set, and returns True if the two variables are independent given the conditioning set, and False otherwise. The function's signature should be: ci_test(var_name1: str, var_name2: str, cond_set: List[str], data: pd.DataFrame) -> bool

find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun optional

A function to find the Markov boundary matrix. This function should take in a Pandas DataFrame of data, and return a 2D numpy array, where the (i, j)th entry is True if the jth variable is in the Markov boundary of the ith variable, and False otherwise. The function's signature should be: find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun(data: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray

Source code in rcd/marvel/
def __init__(self, ci_test, find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun=None):
    """Initialize the rsl algorithm with the conditional independence test to use.

        ci_test: A conditional independence test function that takes in the names of two variables and a list of
                 variable names as the conditioning set, and returns True if the two variables are independent given
                 the conditioning set, and False otherwise. The function's signature should be:
                 ci_test(var_name1: str, var_name2: str, cond_set: List[str], data: pd.DataFrame) -> bool
        find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun (optional): A function to find the Markov boundary matrix. This function should
                                                     take in a Pandas DataFrame of data, and return a 2D numpy array,
                                                     where the (i, j)th entry is True if the jth variable is in the Markov
                                                     boundary of the ith variable, and False otherwise. The function's
                                                     signature should be:
                                                     find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun(data: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray

    if find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun is None:
        self.find_markov_boundary_matrix = lambda data: find_markov_boundary_matrix(data, ci_test)
        self.find_markov_boundary_matrix = find_markov_boundary_matrix_fun

    self.num_vars = None = None
    self.var_names = None
    self.ci_test = ci_test

    # we use a flag array to keep track of which variables need to be checked for removal (i.e., we check if False)
    self.skip_rem_check_vec = None  # SkipCheck_VEC in the paper

    # we use a flag array to keep track of which variables' neighbors need to be learned (i.e., we learn if False)
    self.neighbor_learned_arr = None

    self.skip_check_cond1_set = None
    self.skip_check_cond2_set = None

    # we use a dictionary that maps x to a dictionary that maps y to a set of variables v, such that x->v<-y is a v-structure
    self.v_structure_dict: Dict[int, Dict[int, Set[int]]] = None

    # we use a flag array to keep track of which variables' v-structures need to be learned (i.e., we learn if True)
    self.v_structure_learned_arr = None

    self.var_idx_set = None
    self.markov_boundary_matrix = None
    self.learned_skeleton = None


Find the neighborhood of a variable using Lemma 27.


Name Type Description Default
var int

The variable whose neighborhood we want to find.



Type Description

np.ndarray: 1D numpy array containing the variables in the neighborhood.

Source code in rcd/marvel/
def find_neighborhood(self, var_idx: int):
    """Find the neighborhood of a variable using Lemma 27.

        var (int): The variable whose neighborhood we want to find.

        np.ndarray: 1D numpy array containing the variables in the neighborhood.

    var_name = self.var_names[var_idx]
    var_mk_arr = self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx]
    var_mk_idxs = np.flatnonzero(var_mk_arr)

    neighbors_bool_arr = np.copy(var_mk_arr)
    co_parents_bool_arr = np.zeros(len(var_mk_arr), dtype=bool)
    y_sep_set_dict = dict()

    for mb_idx_y in range(len(var_mk_idxs)):
        var_y_idx = var_mk_idxs[mb_idx_y]
        # check if Y is already neighbor of X
        if not self.learned_skeleton.has_edge(var_idx, var_y_idx):
            x_y_sep_set = self.get_sep_set(var_name, var_y_idx, var_mk_idxs)
            if x_y_sep_set is not None:
                # var_y is a co-parent of var_idx and thus NOT a neighbor
                neighbors_bool_arr[var_y_idx] = False
                co_parents_bool_arr[var_y_idx] = True
                y_sep_set_dict[var_y_idx] = x_y_sep_set

    # remove all variables that are not neighbors
    neighbors_arr = np.flatnonzero(neighbors_bool_arr)
    co_parents_arr = np.flatnonzero(co_parents_bool_arr)
    return neighbors_arr, co_parents_arr, y_sep_set_dict


Check if the algorithm has been run.


Name Type Description

True if the algorithm has been run, False otherwise.

Source code in rcd/marvel/
def has_alg_run(self):
    """Check if the algorithm has been run.

        bool: True if the algorithm has been run, False otherwise.
    return self.learned_skeleton is not None


Run the marvel algorithm on the data to learn and return the learned skeleton graph.


Name Type Description Default
data DataFrame

The data to learn the skeleton from.



Type Description

nx.Graph: A networkx graph representing the learned skeleton.

Source code in rcd/marvel/
def learn_and_get_skeleton(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> nx.Graph:
    """Run the marvel algorithm on the data to learn and return the learned skeleton graph.

        data (pd.DataFrame): The data to learn the skeleton from.

        nx.Graph: A networkx graph representing the learned skeleton.

    # initialize graph
    self.learned_skeleton = nx.Graph()

    self.markov_boundary_matrix = self.find_markov_boundary_matrix(

    var_idx_arr = np.arange(self.num_vars)

    var_left_bool_arr = np.ones(len(self.var_names),
                                dtype=bool)  # if ith position is True, indicates that i is left

    x_y_sep_set_dict = dict()  # maps x to a dictionary that maps y to the separating set of x and y

    for _ in range(self.num_vars - 1):
        # sort variables by decreasing Markov boundary size
        # only sort variables that are still left and whose removability has NOT been checked
        var_to_sort_bool_arr = var_left_bool_arr & ~self.skip_rem_check_vec
        var_idx_to_sort_arr = var_idx_arr[var_to_sort_bool_arr]
        sorted_var_idx = sort_vars_by_mkb_size(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_to_sort_bool_arr],

        removable_found = False
        for var_idx in sorted_var_idx:
            var_mk_idxs = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx])
            # check whether we need to learn the neighbors of var_idx
            if not self.neighbor_learned_arr[var_idx]:
                neighbors, co_parents_arr, y_sep_set_dict = self.find_neighborhood(var_idx)
                self.neighbor_learned_arr[var_idx] = True
                x_y_sep_set_dict[var_idx] = y_sep_set_dict

                # add edges between the variable and its neighbors
                for neighbor_idx in neighbors:
                    self.learned_skeleton.add_edge(self.var_names[var_idx], self.var_names[neighbor_idx])
                # if neighbors already learned, get them from the graph
                neighbors = self.learned_skeleton.neighbors(var_idx)

                # make sure to only include neighbours that are still left
                neighbors = [neighbor for neighbor in neighbors if var_left_bool_arr[neighbor]]

                # get the separating sets from the dictionary
                y_sep_set_dict = x_y_sep_set_dict[var_idx]

                # co-parents are markov boundary variables that are not neighbors
                co_parents_bool_arr = np.copy(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx])
                co_parents_bool_arr[neighbors] = False
                co_parents_arr = np.flatnonzero(co_parents_bool_arr)

            # check if variable is removable
            if self.cond_1(var_idx, neighbors, var_mk_idxs):
                if not self.v_structure_learned_arr[var_idx]:
                    self.learn_v_structure(var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, y_sep_set_dict)
                    x_v_structure_dict = self.v_structure_dict.get(var_idx, dict())
                    # only keep y and z that are left that form a v-structure: x->z<-y
                    var_left_set = set(sorted_var_idx)
                    x_v_structure_dict = self.v_structure_dict[var_idx]
                    for var_y in list(x_v_structure_dict.keys()):
                        if not var_left_bool_arr[var_y]:
                            del x_v_structure_dict[var_y]
                            x_v_structure_dict[var_y] = x_v_structure_dict[var_y].intersection(var_left_set)

                if self.cond_2(var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, x_v_structure_dict):
                    # remove the removable variable from the set of variables left
                    var_left_bool_arr[var_idx] = False

                    # update the markov boundary matrix
                    self.update_markov_boundary_matrix(var_idx, neighbors)
                    removable_found = True
                    self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_idx] = True
                self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_idx] = True

        if not removable_found:
            # if no removable found, then pick the variable with the smallest markov boundary from var_left_bool_arr
            var_left_arr = np.flatnonzero(var_left_bool_arr)
            mb_size_all = np.sum(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_left_arr], axis=1)
            var_idx = var_left_arr[np.argmin(mb_size_all)]

            neighbors = self.learned_skeleton.neighbors(var_idx)

            # make sure to only include neighbours that are still left
            neighbors = [neighbor for neighbor in neighbors if var_left_bool_arr[neighbor]]
            var_left_bool_arr[var_idx] = False

            # update the markov boundary matrix
            self.update_markov_boundary_matrix(var_idx, neighbors)
            self.skip_rem_check_vec[:] = False
    return self.learned_skeleton

learn_v_structure(var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, y_sep_set_dict)

Learns the v-structures of a given variable.


Name Type Description Default
var_idx int

The index of the variable for which to learn the v-structures.

neighbors list

A list of indices representing the neighbors of the variable.

co_parents_arr list

A list of indices representing the co-parents of the variable.

var_mk_idxs list

A list of indices representing the variables in the Markov boundary of the variable.

y_sep_set_dict dict

A dictionary mapping indices of other variables to the separating sets that distinguish them from the current variable.

Source code in rcd/marvel/
def learn_v_structure(self, var_idx, neighbors, co_parents_arr, var_mk_idxs, y_sep_set_dict):
    Learns the v-structures of a given variable.

        var_idx (int): The index of the variable for which to learn the v-structures.
        neighbors (list): A list of indices representing the neighbors of the variable.
        co_parents_arr (list): A list of indices representing the co-parents of the variable.
        var_mk_idxs (list): A list of indices representing the variables in the Markov boundary of the variable.
        y_sep_set_dict (dict): A dictionary mapping indices of other variables to the separating sets
            that distinguish them from the current variable.


    def is_y_z_neighbor(var_y, var_z):
        if self.learned_skeleton.has_edge(var_y, var_z):
            return True
        # check that all subsets S in Mb(X) + {X} - {Y, Z} satisfy Y NOT ind. Z | S
        var_mk_left_idxs = list(set(var_mk_idxs) - {var_y, var_z}) + [var_idx]
        for cond_set_size in range(len(var_mk_left_idxs) + 1):
            for var_s_idxs in itertools.combinations(var_mk_left_idxs, cond_set_size):
                cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in var_s_idxs]
                if self.ci_test(self.var_names[var_y], self.var_names[var_z], cond_set,
                    return False

        # add edge in skeleton
        self.learned_skeleton.add_edge(self.var_names[var_y], self.var_names[var_z])
        return True

    for var_y in co_parents_arr:
        for var_z in neighbors:
            sep_set = y_sep_set_dict[var_y]
            if var_z not in sep_set and is_y_z_neighbor(var_y, var_z):
                x_v_structure_dict = self.v_structure_dict.get(var_idx, dict())
                z_set = x_v_structure_dict.get(var_y, set())
                x_v_structure_dict[var_y] = z_set
                self.v_structure_dict[var_idx] = x_v_structure_dict
    self.v_structure_learned_arr[var_idx] = True


Reset the algorithm before running it on new data. Used internally by the algorithm.


Name Type Description Default
data DataFrame

The data to reset the algorithm with.

Source code in rcd/marvel/
def reset_fields(self, data: pd.DataFrame):
    """Reset the algorithm before running it on new data. Used internally by the algorithm.

        data (pd.DataFrame): The data to reset the algorithm with.
    self.num_vars = len(data.columns) = data
    self.var_names = data.columns

    self.skip_rem_check_vec = np.zeros(self.num_vars, dtype=bool)
    self.skip_check_cond1_set = set()
    self.skip_check_cond2_set = set()
    self.neighbor_learned_arr = np.zeros(self.num_vars, dtype=bool)
    self.v_structure_dict = dict()
    self.v_structure_learned_arr = np.zeros(self.num_vars, dtype=bool)
    self.var_idx_set = set(range(self.num_vars))
    self.markov_boundary_matrix = None
    self.learned_skeleton: nx.Graph | None = None

update_markov_boundary_matrix(var_idx, var_neighbors)

Update the Markov boundary matrix after removing a variable. :param var_idx: Index of the variable to remove :param var_neighbors: 1D numpy array containing the indices of the neighbors of var_idx

Source code in rcd/marvel/
def update_markov_boundary_matrix(self, var_idx: int, var_neighbors: np.ndarray):
    Update the Markov boundary matrix after removing a variable.
    :param var_idx: Index of the variable to remove
    :param var_neighbors: 1D numpy array containing the indices of the neighbors of var_idx

    var_markov_boundary = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx])

    # for every variable in the markov boundary of var_idx, remove it from the markov boundary and update flag
    for mb_var_idx in np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx]):  # TODO use indexing instead
        self.markov_boundary_matrix[mb_var_idx, var_idx] = 0
        self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_idx, mb_var_idx] = 0
        self.skip_rem_check_vec[mb_var_idx] = False

    # TODO remove for RSL W
    # if len(var_markov_boundary) > len(var_neighbors):
    #     # Sufficient condition for diamond-free graphs
    #     return

    # find nodes whose co-parent status changes
    # we only remove Y from mkvb of Z iff X is their ONLY common child and they are NOT neighbors)
    for ne_idx_y in range(len(var_neighbors) - 1):  # -1 because no need to check last variable and also symmetry
        for ne_idx_z in range(ne_idx_y + 1, len(var_neighbors)):
            var_y_idx = var_neighbors[ne_idx_y]
            var_z_idx = var_neighbors[ne_idx_z]
            var_y_name = self.var_names[var_y_idx]
            var_z_name = self.var_names[var_z_idx]

            # determine whether the mkbv of var_y_idx or var_z_idx is smaller, and use the smaller one as cond_set
            var_y_markov_boundary = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_y_idx])
            var_z_markov_boundary = np.flatnonzero(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_z_idx])
            if np.sum(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_y_idx]) < np.sum(self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_z_idx]):
                cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in set(var_y_markov_boundary) - {var_z_idx}]
                cond_set = [self.var_names[idx] for idx in set(var_z_markov_boundary) - {var_y_idx}]

            if self.ci_test(var_y_name, var_z_name, cond_set,
                # we know that Y and Z are co-parents and thus NOT neighbors
                self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_y_idx, var_z_idx] = 0
                self.markov_boundary_matrix[var_z_idx, var_y_idx] = 0
                self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_y_idx] = False
                self.skip_rem_check_vec[var_z_idx] = False